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SCOTT & TY 2016 Update
Hi Diane
It has probably been a few years since I last sent you a photo - above is Scotty (who will be 9 in October) and Ty (who will be 11 in October). They are the joy of our lives and are wonderful, handsome kitties and very spoiled. And of course you cannot see in this shot but both have gorgeous eyes..Ty's are an incredible deep blue, while Scotty's are lighter. Scotty is quite the talker.
My husband Bob and I have moved around a lot and these guys are most adaptable. We are currently living in Los Altos, Ca and I just retired last summer. I hope this finds you and your crew doing well. Thought you'd like to see two of your most handsome kids!
Fondly, Tracy N.
(We lived in Palm Desert and drove down to pick up Ty and lived in Redding area and had you fly Scotty to Sacramento, by the way).