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Dear Diane
Blue is thriving...and growing up too fast. He has an incredibly sweet temperament! He begs to be in my lap, and he is simply ecstatic when he is there, squirming around, stretching, purring, and very gently kneading my clothes. He will often put his little paws on my face as he looks up at me, and I never have any concern there; he always uses only his pads. He, in turn, gets kisses from me all over his face, neck, back, and tummy. Perhaps you recall that in an earlier email I wrote you that I sang him to sleep on the way home from the airport after I picked him up. What I sang was "His Eye is on the Sparrow"', an old spiritual. Well, he still responds to that song. When I sing it to him, he stops squirming, settles down, and often puts his little face in the crook of my elbow. Other than that, he is super-energetic and amazingly fast, dashing around and exploring everything. And he is quite intelligent. He quickly gets bored with a toy"'enjoys it for a few minutes, and then starts looking around, bright-eyed, to find something else of interest. It's been quite a challenge to stay ahead of him in the "kitten-proofing"' department, and I have even had to install child-proof latches on some of my drawers. I love him dearly! I will send off the photos to you now from my friend Grant's iPad (you should be able to open them...let me know if not), and I will continue to keep you up to date on our little boy's progress.
Warm regards, Valerie L.


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