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In a message dated Fri, 26 Aug 2011 10:47:49 Pacific Daylight Time, ****** writes:
This is Randy and Jeanette M****** bragging about our boy again. Buckwheat has passed into the last few years of his precious life. I can tell this because of his slowing down the pace-even with the two Tonkinese two-year olds in the house. But his enjoyment and joy of living has not diminished a bit! Buck's birthday will be on Monday, August 19th this year. He will be turning a very graceful and proud 16! We were blessed with his arrival about 7 or 8 weeks after that. He is a luscious Chocolate Point and has proven to be the Master of the House. We still giggle at the fact that we received him from you at the San Diego airport with a big green magic marker stamp on his neck; we are so grateful that you made the choice you did, our lives would not have been the same without him! (Boy, was he a chick-magnet on the plane and in the airport!!!)
So please put on a party hat and throw some confetti in the air for our little boy, Buckwheat on Monday.
You will never know the depth of our appreciation for your ability to select our 'Winner'
(We have one King German Shepherd 125lbs., 3.5 yrs. old)
Bucky still rules the roost.
Our Undying love and gratitude,
Randy and Jeanette M. and Buckwheat