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Dear Diane,
I wanted you to know that the wonderful kitten we adopted from you in 1996, turned 20 yesterday :)
Sasha has been a wonderful pet of ours for many, many years and she is still going strong. We thought you would enjoy hearing from us and knowing one of your little kittens is now 20! There is a picture attached of Sasha in her prime, and at yesterday's birthday party.
When we visited you in San Diego, you had other "great-grandma" cats in the house and I rememer you commenting on the longevity of your line. Well, it is true for us! When we visited you, we were engaged to be married, now we will celebrate 19 years of marriage this year and have 17year and 9year old boys. Sasha has them both beat!
She has pretty strong arthritis in the hind end that prevents her from getting around a lot, but she still loves to cudddle and will purr, purr, purr, with attention. Of course we spoil her rotten and on her birthday, she got a "tuna cake". She has other kitty brothers and sisters that enjoyed the cake too, after we sang Happy Birthday!
Thank you again for such a wonderful kitty!
All the best, Bill and Jan M. (Alex and Niko)


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